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Imagine there was a prospecting solution that could help you scale your outreach and keep your conversations human? 

And what if it was for more than just top-of-the-funnel sales—wouldn’t that turn revenue teams into winners?

Well, sales email sequence software tools can make a huge difference at every stage of the customer journey!

Now that you know sequence emails can help your reps hit their targets throughout the sales funnel, it's time to know which tool will work best for your team.

We’ve done the research, combed through the data, analyzed the features, and worked out the pricing. So you can take your pick from our rundown of the best solutions for email sequences and sales automation.

Sales Email Sequence Software Tools for Sales Engagement and Automation
10 Sales Email Sequence Software Tools for Sales Engagement and Automation Imagine there was a prospecting solution that could help you scale your outreach and keep your conversations human? And what if it was for more than …
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Picture this...

It’s Thursday afternoon, you’re on your fourth coffee, “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers is blasting through your headphones, and last night’s pizza is waiting in the fridge with your name on it.

Life is good.

You’re about ready to hit Send on a batch of sales emails you’ve prepared for your prospects. You’re feeling confident about it.

You scroll through them one last time, making sure everything checks out.

Then your song ends, and at that very moment, your eyes fixate on your email closing lines. 

You re-read them. Three times. Then your confidence wavers. Your email sign off sounds generic. Outdated.

“Is… is this why my email response rate sucks lately?” you think to yourself, horrified.


As a sales rep, there’s nothing more frustrating than spending time drafting emails for prospects only to be met with radio silence. 

And lately, that’s all you’ve been getting. You’re ready for a change.

If you want to know how to end a sales email to boost your response rate, you’ve come to the right place.

How to End a Sales Email to Boost Response Rate (with 30 Examples)
How to End a Sales Email to Boost Response Rate (with 30 Examples) Picture this... It’s Thursday afternoon, you’re on your fourth coffee, “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers is blasting through your headphones, and last …
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Salesforce automation is non-negotiable for any revenue team (that uses Salesforce, of course).

If your team isn’t using Salesforce integrations and automation to cut down on annoying repetitive tasks, they’re not making the best use of their time.

You know it. And they definitely know it.

Salesforce has its own automated workflows (and they’re great), but there are other services and sales automation tools that integrate with the CRM and that offer far greater functionality and freedom for the user.

If you want your sales, customer success, and RevOps teams to focus on what you hired them for instead of tasks they have recurring nightmares about, you’ve come to the right place.

3 Salesforce automation hacks for revenue teams
3 Salesforce Automation Hacks for Revenue Teams Salesforce automation is non-negotiable for any revenue team (that uses Salesforce, of course). If your team isn’t using Salesforce integrations and …
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