Save 40+ hours per month

Create powerful workflows to manage Salesforce updates, Sequence enrolment, Slack notifications and more. Stay on top of deals and improve customer relationships by never missing a follow-up. Mixmax customers save 40+ hours each month with Rules.

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Rules Hero Image

Auto-create leads in Salesforce

Reduce manual data entry with auto-create. Ensure all your contacts are in your CRM so you can track activity and increase results.

Auto-create leads
AI Smart Send-1

AI Smart Send

Use AI email scheduling to ensure your email lands in your recipient's inbox at the exact right moment.

Cut out low-value activities

Save time with personalized alerts and follow-ups based on prospect or customer activity. Trigger email templates or sequences when prospects open emails, book meetings, answer polls, sign documents, and more.

Automatically reschedule meetings
Automate linkedin connection requests

Give your reps perfect timing

Take the guesswork out of daily activities in your sales process and increase the chances of connecting with interested prospects. Create rules for the team or individuals that help them reach their goals faster than before.

Say goodbye to Salesforce updates

Keep better track of your sales process and free your team from repetitive data entry. Automate Salesforce updates on leads, opportunities, custom objects, accounts, and more. 

salesforce automation
save time with mixmax rules

Connect the apps you use every day

Automate lead management, follow-ups, customer communications, tasks and more across your tech stack. Save hours each week and stay on top of the sales process.

Collaborate better across teams

Use customized rules to improve the hand-off between marketing, SDRs, sales, and customer success. Ensure every lead, opportunity and customer receives the right follow-up at the right time.

revenue team collaboration
Inbound-Lead-Routing (2)

Enable more meetings

Use Mixmax scheduler to embed a calendar or shareable calendar links that include your entire team’s availability to speed up scheduling and while giving your contact the most availability possible. 

We see an 85% open rate on our outbound email sequences and a 40% reply rate to those cold sequences. Outbound accounts for 30% of our signups right now. We can directly attribute that to Mixmax.
Sam Blond
Sam Blond Chief Sales Officer, Brex

Build a winning
revenue process

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revenue team success