January 6, 2022

Managing a Remote Sales Team: 5 Ways to Make an Impact

Managing a Remote Sales Team: 5 Ways to Make an Impact
  • Set clear expectations
  • Invest in remote-friendly business tools
  • Create strategic sales processes
  • Focus on communication + collaboration
  • Rethink your team meetings

We don’t need to tell you remote working is here to stay. In a recent Gallup survey, nine in 10 remote workers want to maintain remote work to some degree. 

The types of workers making this transition? Salespeople. As sales teams transition between working in the office and working at home, companies must launch new initiatives to help sales reps be successful in this new permanent way of working.

With fewer face-to-face interactions, like in-person meetings or watercooler check-ins, it’s vital to create a plan that keeps the sales department connected in an ultra-flexible working environment. Below are five tips to guide sales teams during the transition.

We’ll go through: 

  • Setting clear expectations
  • Investing in remote-friendly business tools
  • Creating strategic sales processes
  • Focusing on communication + collaboration
  • Rethinking your team meetings

Looking to increase your remote sales team's productivity? Try Mixmax, the #1 Sales Engagement Platform for Gmail.

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Five tips for managing a remote sales team

1. Set clear expectations

There’s no such thing as over-communicating in a remote work environment. Workers are scattered across different locations—and potentially different time zones. For a remote sales team, a sales manager should strive to over-communicate expectations so that sales reps are clear on their day-to-day functions and team goals.

Common alignment details for a remote sales team include work hours, required team meetings, and check-ins.

A remote-sales team needs to know the hours their teammates are available. In a remote environment, it’s important for a company to establish if they’ll set traditional hours or allow staff to have flexible working hours that can span well outside of the traditional 9-to-5 workday. According to a Gartner survey, 43% of respondents said that flexibility in working hours helped them achieve greater productivity.

2. Invest in remote-friendly business tools

Sales teams need the right tools to close deals and grow a company’s revenue. In a remote environment, those tools are technological ones.

A sales engagement platform like Mixmax helps sales leaders organize their reps' daily workflows, automate repetitive tasks and empower them with the tools they need to build pipeline and sell.

Mixmax Sidebar Tasks

Mixmax's task manager within Gmail

Next to the sales engagement platform, arguably one of the most important investments a company can make is a premium voice platform that integrates with their business’ CRM tools. An Invoca report found that most customers want to call businesses directly, preferring to live chat by phone with a representative to work through questions or concerns. This report reinforces the power of voice and the desire for human contact during the buying or purchasing process.

Over the past two years, many sales leaders turned to internet voice providers like Aircall, a cloud-based phone solution for call centers and small to medium-size businesses. Aircall’s advanced voice platform integrates with popular company systems—like Slack and Salesforce.

Robust integrations allow for seamless and improved business communications, no matter which software you’re using to manage customer interactions with information being shared across all platforms. This supports successful remote salespeople and sales activities by promoting efficiency and productivity regardless of what channel sales reps are working in.

Other benefits of call solutions like Aircall are the features that enhance workflow and even enable live coaching.

Aircall outbound call center software shows how easy it is to coach sales reps on sales calls

Aircall shows how easy it is to coach sales reps on sales calls

3. Create strategic sales processes

Whether it’s hopping on Zoom or Google Meet for a video call, setting up time on the phone, or hosting a webinar, it’s crucial for sales leaders to create and relay strategic sales processes so teams know how to reach their quotas and increase the quality of their sales presentation skills.

Internal team communication workshops and training should also feed into the sales process. Internal training topics could include best practices when cold-calling potential customers, how to follow up with prospects, or new methods of lead generation.

4. Focus on communication + collaboration

Communication and collaboration help build trust across a sales team.

Prior to the pandemic, sales stand-ups and impromptu in-person check-ins were the norm. Face-to-face communication allowed for teams to brainstorm on the whiteboard and interact alongside their peers during sales meetings.

Now, these team check-ins are happening remotely, and companies are supplementing these interactions with cloud-based communication and collaboration tools. Sales teams are now using Slack, Microsoft Teams, email, or a voice call. This digital switch to communication can be seamless, as long as clear expectations are set and the proper tools are incorporated to connect remote employees (both to customers and each other).

When it comes to communication, the power of praise in the workplace is underrated and cannot be overstated. It’s an effective tactic to motivate your sales team and help them reach their sales goals. One study shows that 82% of employees are happier when they’re recognized at work. Positive reinforcement, whether that be in a 1:1 capacity or through an official company program, motivates your sales employees and boosts morale.

5. Rethink your team meetings

All your team meetings shouldn’t be work-focused—some should prioritize team bonding and building rapport. Remote sales reps don’t have the opportunity to interact with their teammates like they could in the office. Schedule virtual interactions for team-building activities or set a routine time to check-in or discuss current events. 

Informal meetings strengthen teams by building healthy relationships that resonate on a personal and professional level. Whether it’s talking about the latest episode of Squid Game or a concert tour that’s coming to town, mixing in some fun into your team’s schedule will go a long way.

Looking to increase your remote sales team's productivity? Try Mixmax, the #1 Sales Engagement Platform for Gmail.

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