May 28, 2015

Twitter Feed in Emails: How to Embed it the Right Way?

Twitter Feed in Emails: How to Embed it the Right Way?

Mixmax is a communications platform that brings professional communication & email into the 21st century.

Now you can embed a live Twitter feed directly in your email – that works in every email client! It’s refreshed every time your recipient opens your email, so your recipient never misses a tweet.

Introducing the latest app from Mixmax: My Tweets:

Embed Twitter in Gmail

To add it to your email, open the Mixmax app menu and select My Tweets:

Embed Twitter compose menu

My Tweets is especially great for:

  • Embedding in your email signature, so your recipients can follow your Twitter without leaving the email
  • An event invitation, to let the recipients know the latest details without sending a follow up email
  • When sending your resume to let the company learn more about you

Related Post: 7 Tips to Make Follow-Up Emails More Effective

Single tweet

Just want to embed a single tweet? We’ve got you covered. Just paste a tweet url (e.g. in Mixmax and it’ll resolve to a beautiful preview:

Single tweet embed

The technical bits

The Twitter feed is displayed as an iframe on clients that support it (currently Mac Mail and iOS Mail), and then falls back to a dynamic image on others. The iframe and image are generated dynamically each time they are requested, so the tweets are always kept up to date.

This is yet another way the Mixmax platform gives your email superpowers. Email us or tweet us @Mixmax if you’d like to make one of your own!

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